Lite Vise Beta Tester Form Beta Tester Feedback Survey: Lite Vise Name * Organization (if applicable) Last Name Machine(s) used with Vise: Manufacturer and Model Type of machine (3-axis,4 axis or 5-axis) * Email * Product Experience Ease of Installation * Very Easy Somewhat Easy Neutral Very Difficult Somewhat Difficult Please explain any difficulties encountered during installation: Please explain any difficulties encountered during installation: Perceived Quality of Materials and Build * Very High Quality High Quality Average Quality Below Average Quality Poor Quality Comments on materials and build quality: Comments on materials and build quality: Product Performance Maximum Clamping Force Applied (if known): Comments on Clamping Force Adequacy: Maximum Torque Applied (if known): Comments on Applying Torque: Number of Clamping Cycles: Any Notable Changes in Performance Over Time? Machine Compatibility Fit and Compatibility with Machine(s) Used * Very Compatible Somewhat Compatible Neutral Somewhat Incompatible Very Incompatible Comments on Compatibility: Comments on Compatibility: Product Durability Wear and Tear Observations: Visible Signs of Wear * None Minor Moderate Significant Comments on Durability and Wear: Comments on Durability and Wear: Overall Experience Satisfaction with the Product: * Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Comments on Overall Satisfaction: Comments on Overall Satisfaction: Improvements or Suggestions: Please provide any suggestions for improvements or features you would like to see in future versions of the vise: Would you recommend this product to others in the industry? * Yes Maybe Not Sure No Absolutely Not Please explain your choice: Please explain your choice: Any Other Feedback: If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit